By providing the information requested below, you are applying to become a sales agent for Hawaiian Island Enterprises, LLC. Which operates the following activity booking websites in the Hawaiian Marketplace:
This means that you have the ability, and we encourage you to sell and earn commissions from ALL ACTIVITY TYPES that we offer here on the Hawaiian Islands. The HIE network makes available (200+) different island activities for customers to choose from, and another (150+) Ocean Activities. Further to our point, these numbers don’t even represent the 60+ Sportfishing boats that we are also representing and booking shared and private fishing trips for. Hawaiian Island Enterprises makes selling activities and earning commissions very easy!
Social, Happy and loves Hawaii!
A local living on one of the Hawaiian Islands
Willing to positively promote all Hawaiian Island Enterprises (HIE) offered services
Knows how to use a computer, respond and send emails, and can provide customer service over the phone
Willing to take forwarded phone calls, assist customers with questions, enter information and send emails.
There cannot be dogs barking, crying babies, kids interrupting or music playing when you are providing over the phone customer service.
You are NOT APPLYING TO BECOME AN EMPLOYEE. Booking Agents are 1099 Independent Contractors.
Please fill out the application below to start the onboarding process!
How does it work?
To make an activity booking you will need access to the internet to log into the HIE Online Booking Portal using your own secure user name and password. All our offered trips and activities are profiled, searchable and trip options/ logic embedded into the booking form field questions. In this way, answering questions from customers, entering information and booking their trips could not be easier.
When you are “On-Call”, this means that your phone is charged, you are at the computer, electronics are turned on, you are logged into the HIE Web Portal, and you are ready to receive forwarded calls from Hawaiian Island Enterprises.
You are required to answer the phone calls as they come in and not allow them to go to voicemail (if at all possible). Since our phone system is VOIP, we are able to see all inbound calls, if they were answered or not, how long the duration was and so on. The Booking Agent is a “Live Operator”, so it is paramount that you answer the companies forwarded calls.
How are Commissions Earned?
You will also be provided with a “Booking Agent Web Portal” where you will have 24/7 access into your account to make bookings and see all your activity and commissions. Most trip bookings require 5-10 minute conversations and another 2-3 minutes to enter the customer and payment data. This means that it is very possible for our Booking Agents to earn $25+ per hour, working from their house, and setting their own schedules. Booking Agents are NOT Employees, but rather independent contractors that will be provided with at 1099 at the end of the year. Commissions Structure
Most trip bookings require 5-10 minute conversations and another 2-3 minutes to enter the customer and payment data. This means that it is very possible for our Booking Agents to earn $20 - $25 plus per hour, working from their house, and setting their own schedules. Please see the below “tiered” services commissions schedule. As you can clearly see, we want you to service the customer’s requests, but at the same time help to convince them of our other offered trips and services The more services and trips you sell… the more commissions you will receive from Hawaiian Island Enterprises. Our business model has you set up for success, as multiple booked trips with HIE also equates to more savings for our customers!